#iFEMALE pilot project has been through a bid we put in to Yorkshire Bank and we were subsequently successful with. We delivered sessions to 17 women via 3 cohorts. Each cohort had a maximum 7 women, who undertook two, one hour thirty minute sessions.
The #iFEMALE project was developed by Yorkshire Mentoring and with collaboration of St Giles Trust and Ripon House (Approved Premises) in Leeds who we have historically worked alongside on previous projects.
The iFEMALE Financial Empowerment project aims to raise the capacity and confidence of women ex-offenders, to take control of their personal financial circumstances, which in most cases will be chaotic and precarious. Many of the women are parents and all are economically inactive. Supporting women to better "get by" is the first step towards increased financial confidence and agency.
The project offered financial empowerment coaching sessions for women, including a digital element. This is particularly important in an economic environment where local bank branches are closing and customers are encouraged to bank online. St Giles Trust clients / Ripon House residents will typically have low levels of digital resilience. The sessions are facilitated using Thinking Environment principles and the consistent use of thinking rounds throughout.
What’s next – Adelaide House in Liverpool who will be accessing this project in the spring 2018.
Yorkshire Mentoring are looking for partners to further develop this project, so please do get in touch if you’re an organisation who can assist/ work with us.