A range of organisations, including Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership, Safer Kirklees, Safer Barnsley Partnership & West Yorkshire Probation, Migration Yorkshire, Wakefield District Sight Aid, Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery College, College of Building, and EDClass our workshops endorse our workshops. All our training packages can be tailored to needs and delivered both locally & nationally.
Examples of our training packages include, but are not limited to:
Young Persons Knife Crime Awareness Training
Parents, Professionals Advice & Information Sessions on Serious Youth Violence & CCE
Primary Resource Happy Friendships Better Lives (No Knives)
Train the Trainers Knife Crime Workshop
VR Headset workshops
School & Education Based Mentoring
Reviewing and developing mentoring programmes
Progression/employability mentoring
Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG)
Business mentoring